Today I was on Oxford street, I was only there briefly but while there I thought, why not share oxford street at christmas time, especially for those who don't often come to London or who have never been. Its even prettier at night I can assure you but here are some things that caught my eye today.

Walking down towards bond street station there was a gust of 'snow' in the air, everyone was trying to figure out where it came from and lots of people were taking pictures. 'Boots' were blasting out snow from above the building which made it feel extra christmassy.

I daren't pick one of these up as they look a little too sweet for me (shock, horror) but I thought they were too pretty not to snap - Of course not without the lady behind the stand giving me some super weird looks haha.

Nutella crepe...I cannot wait to pick up one of these when I get to Winter Wonderland soon! I'm also visualising those caramel cashew nuts now…oh my.

Im a big lover of the winter pastels, I thought this Dorothy Perkins display was very pretty and festive.

A little insight into my day, I hope you enjoyed this post even though I didn't manage to get my outfit in, I just love taking photos everywhere I go and I always hope you guys like the outcome!
I have got a few fun things planned for before and after christmas so I'm really excited to keep sharing this month! By the way if you guys know of any cool goings-on in London do let me know, I'd love to visit somewhere festive and quite unique!
- Sammi