Hey guys,
I had the opportunity recently to try the newest fragrance from MarcJacobs, 'Honey'. I am a massive perfume fan and have built up quite a collection, its quite an obsession of mine so I was excited to see what this latest offering was like. I love MarcJacobs perfumes in particular and one of my all-time favourites is 'Daisy'.
This perfume is much sweeter and a little more vibrant than Daisy, To me this is defiantly a daytime scent and is perfect for summer. It lives up to its name and has a distinct honey twinge which I adore as I love honey and honey scented/flavoured things in general!
If you like quite a light, girly, playful & young perfume you should defiantly try this out, Its unlike any other perfume I own - Many in my collection seem to be quite similar but this one is distinctive.
Aesthetically the bottle is the cutest thing - round, dotted, yellow and studded with decroative pearl bees, It looks adorable on my dressing table.
There is a fun Instagram competition running at the moment with the MarcJacobs 'Honey' fragrance, To join in just post an image of your own Honey spots and the hashtag #MJHONEYSPOTS
1. Take a picture of your #MJHONEYSPOT on Instagram
2. Tag photo with #MJHONEYSPOTS and name the location of the spot
3. Post picture and you're automatically entered
Honey is a sunny delicious floral - happy and energetic, with a touch of the unexpected. Meet MarcJacobs new Honey and discover #MJHONEYSPOTS at www.marcjacobsfragrances.com

Let me know what you guys think of the perfume or if you join in with the competition!
Hope you're all well
Sammi x
“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Coty via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Coty”