The pins are out again!
I went on a little trip to Greenwich with Jason recently, we took the dogs (as you can see!) and strolled around taking in the sights and the very busy park!
I'm wearing my own design, The Novem & Knight Arabella skirt, Its so comfy. Its a circle/skater skirt and has a part-elastic waistband so its quite forgiving and the shape skims over your curves perfectly.

You guys may remember my Dubai trip not too long ago - well since then I've been using the Braun Epilator on my legs for hair removal and i've become so much more confident about showing a bit of skin and not worrying all the time about imperfections or the odd hair because it lasts longer than my usual leg-shaving - i'm keen to carry that on this month!
I'm taking part in the Braun 30 day challenge where I use the Silk-epil 9 epilator to help me embrace unlimited fashion choices this month and unleash my more summery style!
The Silk-epil 9 retails for £149 and they're available in Boots.
If you like you can try this challenge with me!
Sammi x
- Sponsored by Procter & Gamble