Top - Urban Outfitters (sale) | Leggings - H&M | Bag - Vegabond via. Urban Outfitters | Shoes - Doc Marten 1461 flats
So I have absolutely no idea whats happening with my face. I look like a deranged man...but what can you do. I like this outfit!
I chucked it on this weekend as Jason & I head out the door, it was quite a manic weekend and quite a camera-focused one (da dum cha)
I was after a new camera which I could use for vlogging and Jason was looking for a camera/lens so we went up to the Jessops on Oxford street.

We also took a really quick trip to Hoxton square where I dragged him into The breakfast club (I didn't manage to get any pictures but I Instagrammed!)
We walked round the corner and into Goodhood which has now become one of my favourite shops, Its incredible!
I had been lusting over these Doc Marten shoes for months and months and finally took the delve.

We had to venture up to the same street on a different day trying to hunt down a specific camera part and so on the way up there I spotted a home store on Tottenham court road called West elm which looked rather spiffing..and again...dragged Jason in.
We both oooooh'ed over bits and bobs in the store and I came out with these items, I couldn't resist!

This is the beaut I ended up purchasing for vlogging and bringing around with me to events and to anywhere and everywhere really.
Its The Sony Alpha A5000

Then It was Jason's friend's birthday so we were invited to an awesome Live music bar called Hootanannies in Brixton and afterwards we head over to The Blues Kitchen in Camden to have a further few drinks with Jason's good friend Michael who is also lead singer of Mavis - Amazing music, Check out their videos here.

It was a good weekend! I wanted to bring the camera out with us to see how it would shoot in low light and also because I get ridiculously excited about cameras so just couldn't wait really but I think the pictures came out quite well!
Loving the camera so far and the flip screen is perfect for vlogging!
Hope you all had a great bank holiday too!
Sammi x