Accidentally knocked this bike over a little - whoops!
Jumper - Monki
Shorts - Rokit
Scarf - Beyond Retro
Socks - American Apparel
Bag - Charity Shop
I took a trip to MISHKINS not too long ago, we vlogged our experience there on Easter weekend, it was my second time and once again I absolutely loved it. They are a 'Kind of Jewish-style Deli' - We had a slider & I had half a Reuben sandwich with some cream soda on the side.
We took a few snaps outside because I thought the front of their resturant was the cutest! As you can see I went for quite a white look, I went for my thrifted bag because I was wearing trainers and don't usually go for the sporty look but I think the scarf added just the right balance to bring a little bit of a heritage feel back to it and the colours happened to go!
Can you believe I am writing this from Australia! I am sat in my hotel room in Melbourne editing a vlog of the day and chatting with Tasha green!
I will have more up form here when I get everything off my cameras but bare with me guys! =]
Hope you're all well!
Sammi x