My boyfriend Jason & I had been thinking for a little while that we'd love to take a short trip to Paris for the weekend and on the 4-6th April we upped and left for 'Parieeee!' (Sorry I know its so annoying, I keep/kept referring to it was Parieeee)
We wanted to do as many Parisian things as we could while there, well, for us that mainly meant trying food that we hadn't had before! On the first night we had a lovely French meal of Escargot & Rib of beef, then we head to Le Crazy Horse to see a Burlesque show. (As my Peckham nan would say 'ooooooaarrrr!')
I have to say, Escargot was....odd, Chewy and like a cross between the texture of squid and chicken - but with a garlic taste. I'm glad we tried it but I wouldn't jump at having it again!

Dress - Missguided £22.99 | Necklace - Urban Outfitters

These chips...oh my....the best chips we had both had in our LIVES!

On Saturday we started with breakfast at a little cafe' near our hotel (We stayed at the Hotel Opera Marigny which was lovely with very friendly staff!) Above was my meal and it was bloody delicious. I couldn't eat it all with the chips too for breakfast because for me thats a little heavy but this plus their coffee was tres' bon!
We then head to Point de L'archeveche' (The love lock bridge) to create our lock of love and we threw it into the river forever - Jason tried and failed to get a picture of it in the air (haha) but I did manage to get it on camera! We made a vlog of the trip which you can check out here.
We strolled along the riverside for a while, stopping at book stands & picturesque spots and then made our way to Le Marais which is what I describe as the Soho/Covent Garden of Paris, Cute little streets, quirky shops, beautiful restaurants and stylish folk were all around!

Cant not stop for burgers, Theres weren't the best ones but the area was lovely to sit & people watch

We popped in and out of some shops, grabbed bits of food and took in the music on the streets, the hustle bustle and the artwork that was all around.
I found some home bits in an awesome shop called 'Fleux' which reminded me of a cross between IKEA and TIGER, I bought this little light bulb vase & also that wooden hand you can see Jason fondling.
I will continue our trip in another post as I know this is quite picture heavy, I will have it up tonight for you guys!
Sammi x